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Friday, February 4, 2011

Tender Heart

#2 has such a gift for empathy. He feels, in his little soul, how others feel. If we ever tell a story about something sad, he talks to us for hours about how if he were there, he would have helped/done things differently. 

The other day we took #3 to the doctor for his 4 year old shots. It was so sad. I had to hold him down while they poked him 4 times. He was wailing and my heart hurt for him...he's a pretty tough kid usually. When he was done and sniffling in my lap, #2 gave him a hug and knelt down at his feet and lovingly put his boots on for him saying in a high, sweet voice, "Are you okay buddy?" He carried #3s books and pictures and kept checking on him and reminding him of the treat to come.

We stopped at the store to get some much needed sugar and #2 walked with his little arm around #3s shoulders. He turned to me and said, "Mom, I just feel so sorry for him. When he was getting his shots, I felt so sad for him that I started crying too, so I put the book over my face so the doctors wouldn't see me."

My heart swelled inside. He is such a sweet, kind and soft kid. True, brotherly love.

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