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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big News!

And, yes, this is the REAL BIG NEWS...Number 4 is on it's way! We are thrilled, the whole family. I'm almost 13 weeks...still sick as can be, throwing up 1-5 times a day and often wondering, "What was I thinking?" But, when I can look past all the yuckiness, we are really happy. The due date is September 30th.
We told our boys the night of the oldest's birthday. After letting them watch me throw up for 5 weeks and telling me often, "Mom, I think you might have the flu," we had to let the cat out of the bag. They all jumped up and down with delight and plastered huge smiles on their faces, then gave me big hugs and wanted to look at my belly. Honestly, you've never seen 3 boys be so sweet with babies and little kids, every one of them (I think it comes from not having them around). After the usual questions and suggestions of names (Ellie, Ann, and Chad), the oldest looked at me and said so sweetly, "Mom, that's the best present you could have ever given me for my birthday."

Telling my boys we were having a baby was possibly one of my top 5 parenting think that we've raised such wild, fun, tender, sensitive boys that can't wait for a new baby does a mama good.

A few highlights and lowlights of being pregnant:
*I forgot how sick I get. It's been 5 years since I've been pregnant and apparently I'd forgotten or become very optimistic. This is the pits.
*I can't accomplish anything like I used to. My sister said it's good prep for a new baby.
*I'm older and I can tell.
*#1 saying, "Mom, I really think Jesus is going to bless us with a sister."
*#3 asking a billion questions about how the baby will get out of my belly. Telling him there is a special tunnel did not do the trick.
*Watching my boys play, "throw up," drink water, make gross sounds and spit into the toilet or sink. Nice.
*Puking in a plastic bag while taking the kids 5 minutes to school. When we told our friends, one of the girls in our carpool said, "I knew it becaue you threw up in the car."
*Realizing you can't convince yourself you're done if you are not. Mike and I spent the past 2 years trying to say all we needed was 3 kids, we were wrong and we knew it.
*Finding out I was pregnant without really planning it (though we do know how it works:). Such a pleasant surprise since I was having a hard time pulling the trigger, but knew we needed one more.
*Unbelieveably grateful with all the problems around us that we CAN be pregnant and have kids. Such a blessing.
*Nervous about my body...I've had it to myself for the last 3 years and everything had kind of settled in and I was decently happy with it. Not looking forward to gaining and losing the weight.
*Frightened about getting vericose veins again....the worst.
*Can't wait to have another baby in our house, for possibly the last time and especially happy that I get to have another 1 year old, 2 year old, 3 year old....
*Can't wait to see my boys with a baby. I know they will be wonderful and helpful and it will be so good for all of us.
*A little nervous about life needing to slow down; the 5 of us have been doing our thing together for a long time and loving it. #3 grew up quickly and had always been easy..we're a pack and roll well together adding another will definitely be different.
*Grateful for a husband who picks up all the slack he can while I'm feeling down and out. He's kind and understanding and helpful. Lucky me.

So, it's been a big winter season for us and we are excited, happy and grateful to share our good news!!!


  1. Congrats Brooke! That is so exciting. I am so happy for you and your cute family!!

  2. BIG Congrats! I know your new baby will fit right in with your family!

  3. This is so fun, Brooke! I loved all the highlights, could SO relate. Sorry youre sick. Seriously, let yourself just grow a baby. I always wish I'd been easier on myself during pregnancy and newborn stage. You are such a great mom and this will be another lucky kid!

  4. Oh my gosh- Congratulations! Right there with you in all your highlights and lowlights! Especially
    the being older part, your body not being yours anymore/gaining weight! You always look amazing though - before, during and after pregnancy!!!
    I tried convincing myself for the past two years that we were done but you are right, some things you can't deny! Thanks for sharing your great news!!!

  5. Congratulations Brooke! This is such exciting news. I loved reading how the boys reacted to the news, how cute! They will be great big brothers. This baby is so lucky to be coming to such a wonderful family. Don't let 4 scare you to much, it just takes time to adjust and then it is piece of cake! ;D

  6. So exciting! I'm so happy for y'all! I couldn't stop laughing that they play "throw up". Boys. :)

  7. a HUGE congratulations!!! How weird that I have not seen you or talked with you face to face in years and I could tell by your blog posts that something was a little great that it was because of such wonderful news!

  8. Congratulations!! I am so excited for you and all your siblings too!! Add me to your private blog when you get a chance. I have been slacking on blogging and blog stalking but would love to catch a glimpse of your kiddos!
