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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Looking for a Book?

Looking for a Book?

Here are my 3 latest recommendations for all types of readers....

1. Room: Haunting, masterful, grippiing. I can see why it was on just about every "best book" list of 2010, it truly deserved it. I think the author is incredibly talented to be able to write an entire novel in the voice of a precocious 5 year old boy who has been trapped in one room his entire existence and make it a book I couldn't put down. It was one of those I just HAD to finish and still think about. It was clean even though it was dealing with an extremely distasteful subject. I think everyone should pick it up. It's worth the wait at the library!

2. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother: I loved this book and think every parent should read it whether you agree with Chua's philosophy or not. It's enlightening and made me question and reevaluate how I parent. It's one of those books I can't stop thinking or talking about. I think it's a great counterpoint to many of the other parenting theories widely circulated right now and I love so much of the underlying philosophy for certain children, though I obviously don't agree with much of the execuction. It was an extrememly quick, engaging story that was amazingly honest and thought provoking. It's helped me have the courage and backbone to change a few things around here and at the same time, it made me feel incredibly sane and loving, which was nice too! Totally clean. Whether you agree or disagree with her, it's worth the read.

3. The Magic of Ordinary Days: I just really enjoyed reading this book. There was nothing especially earth shattering, but it was just simple, quiet and beautiful and after reading half-way I couldn't put it down. I love the way it shows the power of love, forgiveness and embracing a path you never thought you'd be on. A quick, clean read most anyone would enjoy.

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