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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jace is 10!

Love this kid! Click to see his cute face! 

Spotlight on Jace at 10

My favorite food is: homemade pizza, strawberries, all fruit
My favorite sport is: football, soccer, baseball and especially basketball
The best show on TV is: Avatar
The coolest person in the world is:  me
My best subject in school is: reading
I'm really awesome at: basketball and reading 
If I could change my name, it would be: I wouldn't.  I love my name
My favorite color is: blue
When I grow up I want to be: a professional basketball player and/or author
My parents are too strict about:  everything
My favorite song is:  Dynamite, Magic, Feel this Moment
My favorite book is: Fablehaven, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson
3 words that describe me are:  cool, handsome, smart
When I was little, I used to: run around naked 
My favorite scripture story is:  Nephi and the brass plates
My favorite primary song is: I am a Child of God, verse 4
My favorite season is: winter
The best snack ever is: fruit
The food that makes me want to barf is: broccoli
My best friends are: Ben, Josh, Nate, Dominic, James, Zack, Eli, Emmanuel, Gino
The cutest girl I know is: Sydney and my mom
If I had one wish it would be: to have a real wand that works
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: moving to Saline
One thing I want to learn to do this year is: defeat my video game, be a more observant reader, play tackle football
One thing I need to work on: not getting angry 
The most important lesson I've learned this year is: getting angry is very bad

Jace, this has been such a fun year to watch you grow up. There seemed to be a lot of change in your personality and demeanor this year. You just got "old." It has been so fun being able to talk to you like a grown-up. We have been so impressed with so many of the choices you have made. You have chosen good friends, you are kind to everyone, you are responsible and happy. You are well liked and always stick up for people. We have loved watching you play sports this year...there is a new fire in you and it's been fun to watch you lead your teams. You are doing so well in school! Your teacher is so impressed with you and all you can do and accomplish. I can't believe what a reader you have turned into! You blow through books every week. I can hardly keep up with you. You have started to like girls and we had to have "the talk" with you this year. You were very interested and respectful, not embarrassed at all. It was a good experience for all of us. You are such a fun brother. You make life very exciting and lively all the time and I often wonder what Parker, James and Pierce would do without you. You crack us up always. You seriously say the funniest things and only a few of them are true, but they sure do keep us smiling. Since dad has been traveling, I have been able to lean on you for so many things. You have been a great helper at home for me and with Pierce. I love that I can count on you. Your testimony of the gospel has been strengthened this year. You listen to your teachers in primary and listen to the scriptures at home. I am always amazed by how much you know and understand. You have started to fast and you love to share your testimony. I know you communicate with your Heavenly Father and have faith that he will help and answer you. You are just all around a wonderful, dramatic, loud, energetic and exciting kid and I am so happy you are mine! Love you lots buddy. 

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