This is a little taste of what we are up to! If you would like to be invited to our blog, please email me at brookeoromney (at) gmail (dot) com
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
James is 6!
To see it all, click here!
Spotlight on James at 6
My favorite food is: meatballs
My favorite sport is: football and golf
The best show on TV is: Sponge Bob
The coolest person in the world is: grandpa
My best subject in school is: music
I'm really awesome at: riding bikes
If I could change my name, it would be: I like my name
My favorite color is: yellow and blue
When I grow up I want to be: an artist
My parents are too strict about: playing the computer
My favorite song is: flying purple people eater
My favorite book is: non-fiction animal books
3 words that describe me are: smart, nice, funny
When I was little, I used to: play with balls
My favorite scripture story is: Samuel the Lamanite
My favorite primary song is: Lullaby Little One
My favorite season is: winter
The best snack ever is: gogo squeeze
The food that makes me want to barf is: squash
My best friend is: Noah and Coltin and Cade
If I had one wish it would be: to have a little kid real car
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: I had my birthday
One thing I want to learn to do this year is: type fast
One thing I need to work on: not whining
The most important lesson I've learned this year is: to not whine
Monday, November 12, 2012
All right...let me be honest. Not my favorite holiday, but we did have a good time this year with a knock out ward Halloween party, an awesome Halloween FHE and pumpkin carving night, more candy than we could count, fun school parties, and trick or treating through our neighborhood. Even this Halloween Scrooge had a pretty good time.
Our family theme was Wizards! I was Dorothy, Mike the scarecrow, Pierce the tin man and Jace, Parker and James were different Wizards...the ones from Harry Potter :).
As we got ready for the Halloween party and Jace thought his costume was too big/hot/itchy/annoying and refused to wear most of it, and Pierce would NOT keep his tin man hat on and Mike showed up to the party late from work, and I had to bring a huge thing of chili, condiments, candy, kids etc. to the church on my own, I remembered why it has never been my favorite holiday.
But, then we got to the party, Pierce was crazy cute, Mike made it and dressed up, the boys found friends, the ward members had awesome costumes, the food was good, the decor, games and stories amazing and the kids got more candy than anyone should, I changed my tune. It really was a fun holiday! But...still glad it's over.
To see the fun, click here.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Pierce is 1!
Pictures are a must on this one...he is so cute! Click here!
Spotlight on Pierce at 1
My favorite food is: grapes, pizza, spaghetti
My favorite sport is: ball chase
The best show on TV is: crazy mom, I don't watch TV!
The coolest person in the world is: my mom and dad, but my brothers are a close second
My best subject in school is: reading, I could literally read all day long
I'm really awesome at: smiling, people can't get enough of me
If I could change my name, it would be: Piecey, that's what my family calls me
If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go: see my grandparents!
My favorite color is: everything
When I grow up I want to be: a doctor, mom says
My parents are too strict about: candy eating. I never get any.
My favorite song is: Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, Popcorn popping, Itsy bitsy spider
My favorite book is: Snuggle Puppy, Noah's Ark, The Very Busy Spider
3 words that describe me are: sweet, smart, likable
When I was little, I used to: sit in one place
My favorite scripture story is: Jesus
My favorite primary song is: Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
My favorite season is: summer
The best snack ever is: nutrigrain bars
The food that makes me want to barf is: baby food
My best friend is: Cooper
If I had one wish it would be: to be able to keep up with my brothers
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: I learned to walk, talk, laugh, everything!!
One thing I want to learn to do this year is: run and talk even more!
One thing I need to work on: sitting in a shopping cart or stroller
The most important lesson I've learned this year is: my family loves me
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Hay Maze
Our family had a fantastic time at the Talladay Farms Hay Maze. It was our first time and we'll definitely be back. We got through the "easy" and "hard" maze in a little over an hour and had good navigators with us. It was a gorgeous, chilly night that felt just perfect for fall. After the maze, though the boys begged for DQ, we ended up with ice cream sundaes at home. Fun, fun night!
For all photos, click here!
For all photos, click here!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
I love General Conference weekend. I love hearing from the prophets and apostles and am always ready to rededicate myself to doing more. This year, for the first time in awhile, watching conference was difficult. Saturday soccer, 3 big boys, and a one year old made for a fairly chaotic weekend. In fact, half way through the Sunday session, I decided I would stop stressing out about trying to intently listen and just enjoy the spirit it brought into our home.
Amazingly enough, I had a profound insight that I needed for my life, but let me back up.
Having a baby in our home again has been wonderful...really magical, but ever since the beginning of September he has had ear infection after ear infection (actually the same one that wouldn't go away until the 3rd antibiotic). Mix that with teething, a husband who travels Monday-Thursday, was also gone for 12 days straight somewhere in there, and we have had a rather ugly 6 weeks with very little sleep and sometimes a complete stoppage of getting things done.
Here is where the gap between the kids can be tough. With all little kids, it was hard, but if your baby was having a rough time you could just lay low, hang out at home, watch a little more TV, spend time with friends, take a nap when the others slept, rejoice when they all went down at 7:30 and forget about all the rest...yes, you still paid for it, but you could get through the bad days.
With a baby and older kids too, life just can't stop. One particularly horrible night Pierce finally fell asleep at 5am, but we had a soccer game at 8:30, two more after that, a primary program practice, etc. and Mike was out of town. So I couldn't just sleep or take it easy, life had to go on.
In a less dramatic example, just every day life is busy with classroom volunteering, swapping babysitting (no family around), laundry, cooking 3 meals each day, music lessons, sports, homework, etc. Each night we are lucky to be in bed by 9:15, then I have to spend the next hour or so catching up on everything else or I start the next day in the hole. Plus, after having a space between kids, I am used to accomplishing things like keeping the house clean, staying on top of laundry, having some time to read or exercise, etc. My expectation for myself is different than it used to be.
Add to this my desire to finish decorating the downstairs of my home, our love of having friends in our home (we host something at least one each week...dinner, book group, ladies lunch, etc.), teaching Zumba, visiting teaching 4 ladies, magnifying my YW calling, hours of sports practice, meeting new friends, etc. and I was often feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted with everything I had put on my plate. There were lots of days when Pierce was such a bother because he "wouldn't nap," "wouldn't let me put him down" "wouldn't drive for more than 5 minutes without crying," "wouldn't let me exercise, clean, etc." "wouldn't eat" "hated wearing a coat" "hated his stroller" You name it, we've gone through it these past few weeks. It was especially hard because he has always been such a wonderfully happy, cooperative baby. I was completely thrown for a loop with all the sickness and lack of sleep.
In between General Conference Sessions, I had a distinct impression, "Forget the stuff that doesn't matter right now. You know they are only little for such a short amount of time. Enjoy it."
As I stopped to reflect on the impression, more came. I felt that my desires were not wrong, just often ill-timed. I enjoy decorating and trying to develop a talent and create a place of beauty and harmony in my home, this is not a bad thing. However, if making it to IKEA before the next "big event" at our house was making me grumpy with Pierce, it was not worth it. If a DIY project was stressing me out, it was best to revisit it later, if my bookshelves were not looking right, I needed to be okay with emptiness on the bottom two shelves for now.
Having people to our home is a good thing. However, I often stressed about it too much. If having people over was going to make me grouchy to my kids or annoyed at Pierce because I had to spend all day cooking or everything wasn't perfectly clean, then we needed to cut back. Instead, I decided I would rather still welcome people to our home, but I would just change my attitude. If my floor didn't get mopped before something, it was okay. If I made something more simple, no big deal. If I asked others to bring more, just fine. If I didn't have one more project completed or one more corner filled, who cared. If my kids had to chip in, that was great and I would ask for their help with kindness and gratitude.
I realized no one even noticed that the floor was just spot mopped instead of scoured. They didn't care that my gallery wall didn't have any photos yet. Okay, I still went a little overboard with food but I love food. Everyone was just happy to be out and together.
So, I have turned over a new leaf. My focus is on my kids and the rest is a bonus. In order to have a happy home, it has to be clean so we started an allowance system and the boys have been extremely helpful and really great at getting their stuff done and it's cut my work load too. I spend most of my day playing with Pierce, holding him if he needs it and trying not to get worked up about his grumpiness. He's finally starting to feel better and we have an ENT appointment this week. I'm planning on getting out with him more...he's getting older and needing more fun in his life. I've realized I'm back to that only kid thing where most of the day is spent entertaining a little one. Some of his days are better than others and that is okay. I'm still decorating, but doing it when I have free time. I've stopped stressing about it or giving myself a deadline. I'm trying to exercise and going to start teaching Zumba twice each week instead of just once so I know I will at least exercise then. I will try to get one more day of exercise in somewhere.
I've discovered the Mormon Channel on my iPhone and it has saved me. I love listening to it as I clean or play with Pierce. It lifts me and inspires me. I'm so grateful for it. I'm trying hard to just take in all the little moments that I have with my kids because my life is beautiful and blessed. I have a loving and talented husband who does great things for others, has a great job, builds me up and treats me with love, kindness and respect, always. I have 4 darling kids who are healthy, smart, kind to each other and sweet to me. They strive every day to do the right thing. I have an extended family and close friends who shower me with love and support even from far away, I live in a great house in a safe neighborhood with good schools. I have a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior who inspire me, love me and lift me. Plainly and simply, there is no room in a life like this for complaints or pessimism. I know one day soon I will wake up and wish it was all just like it is now, so I've decided to stop wishing it would hurry up and enjoy the little things.
*Note: this was written a few days ago, and Pierce is now back to being fun and happy. We paid a visit to the ENT at MOTT Children's Hospital and I was struck with all the little kids who have real, serious, life-changing health problems. I get teary just thinking about the hours their families must spend at the doctor's office or waiting for the next test result. I was especially struck by a mother with a 6 year old boy strapped into a wheelchair. He was moaning and whining in what seemed frustration and pain and she was lovingly stroking his face with her hand and trying to calm him while she kept an eye on her little girl. I can't imagine how many sleepless nights she must have and how the idea of doing anything she likes to do is probably very far down on her wish list. I said a silent prayer thanking Heavenly Father for 4 healthy, strong boys. I left the ENT office feeling extremely blessed and full of appreciation for my life.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Faith Builders
As you get older, you realize that you are not going to remember all the amazing, faith building stories that mean so much to you in the moment, so I've decided to write them down as often as possible so I don't forget.
One of our friends was recently baptized into our church. He doesn't often have to work on Sunday but a few Sunday's ago he had to be at a banquet for his job. Before he left, his boss called and asked him if he could stop by the store and grab a few things. He answered, "Sure. I'll call you when I get close." He knew he had to be at the event for his job, but he didn't want to break the Sabbath in any other way, so he prayed to Heavenly Father and asked, "Please help me to be able to keep the Sabbath holy."
When he got to the store he said he would stop at, his boss said, "It's okay, we already got what we needed."
I loved this story for lots of reasons...his faith that Heavenly Father would help him do what was right; his desire to keep the commandments as closely as he possibly could; his strength in not rationalizing by saying, "I've already ruined the Sabbath, why not?"; his good example of keeping the Sabbath day holy in your heart, even when life doesn't allow you to strictly keep it holy.
Such a great example of simple and real faith!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Our life via Instagram
My Camera is in the shop...sad, sad. So, I've been getting lots of use of my instagram account. It's a great way to grab shots of the little things. So, here's to the "little things."
Check out the fun pictures!
Check out the fun pictures!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Berry Picking!
We love picking our own fruit in Michigan! A few Saturdays ago, we stopped at a nearby berry patch to fill our buckets and our bellies.
To see fun pictures, click here!
To see fun pictures, click here!
Monday, October 8, 2012
First Day of School 2012
First Day of School 2012
To see it all, click here!
It was a new school for all the boys this year and both Jace and Parker were VERY nervous. Parker's belly hurt all morning, and Jace was chill until we stepped into his HUGE school and he saw lockers and combinations he needed to figure out. James, ever the cool cat, was totally fine. But, after the first day, they all loved their teachers, made new friends and felt great. I'm so proud of the way they all adjust, make friends and allow a place to feel like home. They are great kids.
Egg Burritos for Breakfast...we go through a LOT of eggs. I love making a good breakfast for my kids each morning.
All excited but nervous!
One of the reasons change is always okay...they have each other!! They are great friends.
On the 3rd day the rode the bus for their very first time ever. They thought it was pretty cool. Pierce misses them so much and is so excited when they bound off the bus.
Jace brought this paper it when they learn life skills in school. Adults could use this same reminder every now and then.
After school, we stopped to celebrate with cupcakes. I was SO relieved to hear they had all had a wonderful day!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
San Diego Part 1
After our 2 weeks in Utah, we jumped on a flight to Cali to spend a week at Camp Cousins with the Romneys. We were so excited to go that we forgot Jace's backpack full of all our electronics. Luckily, we made it without too much hubbub on the ride there. My second flight alone with all 4 kids. I felt like a 4 ring circus walking through the airport. Lots of looks my way: shock, pride, pity, awe, name it, I got it. And the most asked question, "Wow. 4 boys? Are they all yours?"
But, we made it!!
To see all the fun, click here!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Rewind: Good-bye 2339 Stone, Hello Saline!
To see our last hurrah in Northwood plus our new digs, click here!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Excuse the blog break while I unpack millions of boxes full of things we surely don't need. The verdict is in, moving is the WORST, but a house with space and storage is the BEST! Be back soon!!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Items for sale
This is just for people in Michigan....
tall bookcase: $15 OBO
Twin bed frame: $20 OBO
Small Microwave: $5
9ft. by 6ft wool rug $40 OBO
tall bookcase: $15 OBO
Twin bed frame: $20 OBO
Small Microwave: $5
9ft. by 6ft wool rug $40 OBO
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Blog Inspiration
If you've stopped blogging, here is a little inspiration for you: a few days ago I got my 2006-2007 blog printed into a book and it made every moment I spent keeping track of my little family worth it. All those things I thought would be imprinted in my memory forever had almost all been forgotten. As Mike and I viewed the pictures and read the words from our former life we smiled and laughed and looked at our big boys and honestly wondered how time had gone by so quickly. It was a delight to remember who they used to be and compare it with who they are today. They all looked through the book and exclaimed at how funny/cute/little they used to be. It is a family treasure.
I used to blog mainly for friends and family to read, but now that so few people are blogging and my blog is private, I now blog for our family. After reading our blog book, I realized that I should include all the pictures I can, that I should pay just as much attention to the little things as they big events and that I should always record the funny things my kids say.
Recently, a good friend's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer while she was pregnant with her third baby (kids ages 5 and 3 and a newborn). She delivered the baby early and started aggressive treatment. Things were not going well, so they sent her to the MD Anderson Cancer Center. She and her family are there, hoping and praying for the best. She's a young, healthy, active, loving mother. It is my worst nightmare and hit me hard. It was even more motivation for me to make sure my kids know who I am and how I feel about them. It became very clear to me that life is short, history is important and that I want my kids to be able to know who I am and what is important to me.
So, if you have stopped blogging, start again (or at least keep a personal history). Don't worry about catching up or writing for other people to read (let's be honest, the few people who read your blog are the people who love and care about you anyway and won't correct your spelling or grammar or wonder about why you are still in your pajamas when the time on the pictures is 2:30pm, so be honest, share your feelings and brag away!). It's so worth it. On another note, I still do love reading the blogs of friends and family. They uplift me and keep me feeling close to people who are far away. They are a blessing in my life.
In this same vein, here were some moments from our recent life that were worth recording:
Because we are moving, we had to take down our art wall (on stairs leading to the basement we hang up all our favorite art projects). The schools here have amazing art and music programs and my boys have all loved those electives. Parker and James especially love art and enjoy doing it often. I wish I were more sentimental, and maybe it's because we've never had much storage, but I HATE keeping things, so here is a photo of their favorite art projects from the last 2 years. I let them keep a few of the most precious ones.
To see the photos, click here
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Becoming a Mother
To see the pictures too, click here!
Being a mother was never something I thought about. I hated babysitting as a teenager. I never wanted our friends' kids around after we were married. I never really saw myself staying at home, changing diapers or playing on the floor, so after 2 years of marriage, I was shocked when the prompting came that it was time to have a baby. So with faith and hope that I might be a better mother than I imagined I would be, we decided to give it a shot.
It was exciting and scary all at the same time, and I remember reading book after book about pregnancy, birth and mothering. I started paying close attention to the way my friends did things and took mental notes. When Jace arrived, I was again shocked by the immediate fierceness of my love for him. He was perfect and heavenly and I couldn't get enough of him or the new less than 12 hours I had been transformed.
Don't get me wrong, mothering was still tough. I was alone in a small condo, across the country from family with a husband that worked 80 hours a week. I had no clue what to do with a baby (hence the crazy, crying breakdown when my mom left...I mean the pull over to the side of the road because you can't see breakdown). To top it off, Jace cried for about 9 months unless I held him or bounced him and he hated to sleep. Looking back it sounds awful. But in the moment, I remember loving most of it. Never had I felt so loved, important or needed and I knew I'd found my place in the world...I would forever be a mother.
Fast forward lots of years (9 to be exact) and mothering is still a constant passion and constant struggle. There are so many moments of rock bottom, so many moments of endless frustration, so many sleepless nights and so many indescribable highs, so many expressions unconditional love and so many moments of spiritual inspiration. My boys are better than we could have created, so I know they are God's children. I see a bit of heaven in each of them on a daily basis. I'm trying, so hard, everyday, to be the mother God wanted them to have.
I fall short often. I'm so glad mothering is not a competition with blue ribbons and cash prizes to the woman who does it best. There are oh so many times that are so vivid to me when I've wondered...really, this is as good as I get? As I apologize for my kid pushing someone off the slide or biting or hitting and wonder what I've done wrong. Or as I attend creative birthday parties or read about fantastic crafts other moms put together and think, Boy my kids are missing out. Or as I envy meaningful family traditions, find myself wishing my kids were back in school, or know I am over- or under-disciplining and think, if only I were better, more loving or more consistent.
These thoughts used to come much more often, but over and over I have had the spirit whisper to me, "YOU are who your boys need. They were sent to YOU for a reason. I know them, and I know you and I chose YOU to be their mother." After that profound feeling, I realized that what others do, doesn't really matter and I can rejoice in their strengths and successes without feeling inferior because I am who my children need and YOU are who your children need. That was God's plan. Each day I try to be a better me. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail, but everyday, I try because they are everything to me. They are all smart, kind, faithful and good boys who love me almost as much as I love them and I feel so blessed everyday to be their mother.
This year, I felt especially emotional as I opened their sweet cards. They are all old enough to write and it was so touching to read their words:
Each sentence started with, I Love My Mom
because She reads me a book
because She helps me with my homework
because She makes me laugh by tickling me
because She taught me how to read
I love to hear my Mom sing "Dynomite"
because she finds time to go for a walk
I know my mom cares because she lets me sleep in her bed when I am scared
I know my mom is smart because she knows math
I love my mom because she works so hard at the community center.
I love Mom
because she reads me Magic Tree House
because she helps me clean my room
because she makes me laugh by tickling me
because she taught me how to read
I love to hear my mom sing Blue Skies
because she finds time to play with me
I know my mom cares because she makes me breakfast
I know my mom is smart because she know 12 times 10
I love my mom because she works hard at the community center
Dear Mom,
You make me breakfast and pay for school. You let me play outside and you are always nice. But most of all, you always love me. So it is my turn to love you just like how much I love babies. Roses are red, Violets are you. You are special in all that you do.
Just having him in our life...his smile, his giggle, the way he looks when he sleeps makes every sacrifice worth it.
He just made it a perfect Mother's Day. I am so grateful for a husband who honors and values my role as a mother. He tells me all the time what a wonderful mother he thinks I am and he is constantly expressing his gratitude for all I do with the boys and around our house. It feels so good to be married to a man who values me and my contribution so much. It's been said that the best thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother. If that is true, our children have it made.
So grateful for a wonderful Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
The Big Day!
To see the full post, click here
On April 26, 2012 Mike graduated with a Master's of Health Management and Policy from the University of Michigan. It was such a proud day for our entire family. I'm not a very emotional person, but as he walked into the gorgeous Hill Auditorium I was fighting back tears the entire time as I realized what this meant for him and for our family.
Mike has put his heart, soul and all his effort into obtaining this degree. He's been a stellar student with incredible grades, the "go to" guy for everything at the school, the President of the professional association, the networking king and everyone's favorite classmate. In addition to all of this, he has held down jobs on the side, a bishopric calling and somehow managed to be a husband and father. We could not be more proud of him and his example for the boys of following your dreams and valuing education.
Many people over the last few days have said, "This degree is half yours," and as I watched Mike take his diploma, I really felt the truth in that statement. It was such a difficult decision and came with loads of sacrifices and life changes. For two years, we rarely saw Mike and when we did he was often only available for an hour or two and then had to get back to work. Many days were tough and often I felt like a single mom. I knew that having our last baby and working part time would be especially challenging during our second year here and often held my breath through difficult days or weeks, but it was all worth it! My friends, ward and community made many of those long days shorter and lonely weekends full of fun. I am so grateful for the sustaining arm of my Savior who often prodded me along reminding me that I am here to stretch myself and do hard things. While I may not have a M.H.A. to show for it, I've obtained my own invaluable education over the past 2 years.
I am also so proud of my boys. They have had fantastic attitudes about change and their new life here. They've adjusted to everything so well and never complain about not having a bigger house or more money to do fun things (That is not to say they aren't excited for 3 bathrooms and a garage :). They have been awesome, and I'm so grateful they are mine. I hope they will always remember being at their dad's graduation and I hope it will help them be fearless as they set life goals for themselves.
I must also mention my gratitude to Mike's parents and my parents for their support of this crazy decision. Their love, words of encouragement and their financial help made this process much less stressful than it could have been. Once again, we are forever in your debt and hope that we will one day fill that role for our children when they most need it.
Enough of the sappiness...mostly it was a day filled with complete JOY!!
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He looks even more handsome as a graduate, don't you think? |
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My man. |
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proud parents |
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Love this guy. |
Friday, May 11, 2012
Here Comes Graduation
To see the full post with all the pictures, click here
We were so glad that Mimi and Papa could come for Mike's graduation! It was 2 packed days of festivities before they had to go to Utah for Grammy's funeral. We started with a to-die-for lunch at The Gandy Dancer, a posh restaurant in the old Ann Arbor train station. We loved it all, but James was mostly happy he came because of dessert!
Mike's graduation gift to himself was 2 boxes of root beer. One box was the Goose Island root beer brewed in Chicago and the other was root beer brewed around the country. We've had a blast tasting each different kind and still have lots left to try. He is so fun.
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Box 2 of root beer |
After spending 2 years with many of Mike's classmates, we decided we wanted to meet everyone's parents and be able to say good-bye, so we met at Cottage Inn for pizza, salad, toasts and pictures. It was so much fun to meet everyone's family and celebrate together. Another thing I loved was when Jace took my camera and everyone was happy to pose for him :). Need to remember to do that more one gets goofy when I'm holding it!
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Mike with Kristen and Drew |
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Erica, with Drew, again |
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The studying gang: Michelle, Emily, Same, Mike, Katherine, Kristen, Katherine, Erica and Kaitlin |
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Evan, Michelle, Katherine |
Before the actual graduation, the school put on a great reception for the graduates and their families. Rick and Marci were nice enough to stay with the kiddos, since 3 hours of boringness was all they could handle. It was fun to see all Mike's classmates and a few professors. It's a great group of people and we can't wait to see who they become in the future.
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Brosnan and Mike |
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
April at a glance (or two)
Jace's first Broadway Play!
to see this post with pictures, click here
Rick and Marci got Jace tickets to a Broadway show in Detroit for his birthday, Beauty and the Beast and Mike and I got to take him. It was amazing to sit and watch him watch the play with all the music, lights, costumes and special effects. He had already read the book and seen the movie, so it was fun to see him compare and contrast. He felt very special to have a date night with mom and dad and loved watching the play. What a great gift!
Baseball Opening Day
It's our favorite sports!! There is just something about getting out there every spring that makes me smile. This year we are very lucky because Jace and Parker are on the same team (Parker is tiny) and they have great coaches again and lots of fun families to sit and chat with. Opening Day was a great success and we have already loved watching the boys play. They are both doing so well!
Sunday, spring nights
I love Sunday afternoons and evenings...especially the kind that are a chilly warm, the kind where friends stop by, the kind where wiffle ball is played in the field behind our place, the kind where dads in Sunday clothes join the boys game, and the kind where my baby just sits in the grass smiling as he watches his brothers play ball. It's the kind of night where I sit back and thank the Lord for my beautiful life.
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