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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Palmyra, New York

For the full post, click here!

On Sunday we headed to Palmyra, New York which is rich with the history of our church. I was so excited to be's a place I've been envisioning since I was a little girl and I was finally going to see it! What struck me, as we were driving there was how beautiful the area is. I understand why Joseph Smith's family decided to settle there. It truly is a gorgeous piece of our country.

After church, our first stop was the sacred grove, where we believe Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ. As I wandered onto the path, a young boy, about 12, was playing "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" and I was overcome with the spirit. I felt so much gratitude for Joseph Smith and was amazed that at such a young age he was curious enough to ask, righteous enough to obey, and strong enough to withstand cruely beyond imagination. Stepping into that grove felt like a holy place.

Our boys had a nice time in the grove, though I'm not sure they really understood its significance. Mike read Joseph Smith's account to us from the scriptures and we had a family prayer of gratitude. After the few moments of stillness and reverence, our boys felt like it was any other woods to explore and they were fascinated by the large leaves and tiny bugs. As we walked down the path, Mike and I were discussing how being a parent is often about balancing what you need with what your kids need to stay entertained and engaged without bothering others. It's a tricky act, but I hope our kids remember the spirit they felt in Palmyra.

I'm so grateful for Mike's spiritual leadership in our family. I really admire the way he teaches the boys with such sincerity and ease.

Some of the farmland and acreage the Smith family owned. I imagine it looked a lot then like it still does now. It was a fun historical connection to make.

This is our family in the Smith family home. The church has done a fantastic job at its restoration. My favorite thing about this picture is the smiles on everyone's face, and then look at James...the rolled eyes of a 4 year old. After a long day of sightseeing and lots of "being quiet" "being reverent" and "being respectful," I asked the kids with a happy smile, "So, did you enjoy that?" and James' response was..."Well, I kind of enjoyed it, but I kind of didn't. Actually, it wasn't very fun." Probably a fair critique from a 4 year old!
From the Smith family home, you can see the Palmyra temple. How exciting to have a temple where the church was restored!

These are photos of the priting shop where the first Book of Mormon was printed. I had no idea the great lengths it took and all the pieces that had to fall into place in order for the Book of Mormon to be published. What a great miracle! (Oh, and if you go to Palmyra you MUST get a calzone at NEMA's just down the street from the print shop. It looks like a hole, but it's incredible!!!)

This last picture is on the top of Hill Cumorah, where we believe Joseph Smith retrieved the plates. There is a gorgeous view from the top of the hill and it was exiting to be there. It was possibly my boys favorite spot since they got to roll down a gigantic hill and no one asked them to be quiet. All in all, it was a great vacation and we made it home 7 hours later exhausted and in one piece.

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