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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just English?

Today, at dinner we were talking about the day as usual. I asked #2what he had for snack and he said, "We had a really yucky snack that was like really thick Jello and it had cranberries in it and smelled like hot sauce. I can still taste in my mouth even though I only had one bite. It was from Saki. It's her favorite thing. She's from Japan. She takes English classes."

"And mom, when my teacher asked us to raise our hand if we spoke more than one language almost everyone could raise their had because they spoke 2, except for me and Hailey. Why don't we speak another language???

#1: "Yeah mom. It's the same in my class. Almost every one knows 2 languages. I said I know a little Spanish (what he knows is exclusively from Dora when he was 2), but everyone else knows really cool languages like Chinese and Arabic and stuff."

Well, can't compete can we? At their elementary school there are 29 first languages. I don't even think I could name 29 languages. Maybe if we speak English REALLY well we can count it for 2...otherwise, we are going to need to watch a lot more Dora.

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